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Dr. Michael Nixon-Livy

I have worked with Sara Jones over a few decades at a Post Graduate level, predominantly in the fields of spinal integration, pain management, emotional stress resolution and nutritional testing.

Sara's aptitude for rapidly learning and then successfully employing complex psychosomatic and 'whole person' interventions for her patients and achieving outstanding outcomes, has been exemplary.

Her obvious kindness, empathy and humility are further qualities that have always endeared her to myself and many of her other colleagues. I have no hesitation in recommending Sara for any position that involves working with physical pain, emotional issues and complex health issues.


My Police career path has, in the main, involved investigations in various guises from drug investigations, burglaries, rapes, child abuse, domestic violence, serious assaults and murders. I have been involved in many serious and distressing investigations.

In July 2020, I developed a serious spinal issue, which stopped me in my tracks.

Whilst awaiting NHS treatment I met with Sara from back2health, to help with my back problem.

I am so glad I did. She certainly helped relieve my back pain but more than that, Sara identified that I was suffering from some built up emotional trauma.

She created, for me a safe and non judgmental space, in which I could explore my emotional issues, that had been around since my time in the Police.

I felt so at ease, safe and understood by Sara. I still do and trust her implicitly.

Sara is very professional and has helped me enormously.

I have PTSD but am now dealing with it knowing that I can visit Sara in her surgery to talk about matters at anytime.

I would highly recommend Sara to anyone suffering with my condition 


Sara has been instrumental in my recovery. Not just physically with NST, but mentally and emotionally with the tapping technique and breathwork. Without her work I would still be struggling with life. Thank you Sara for all you have done for me, you are amazing!!


To Sara, with grateful thanks for helping me overcome my recent health issues, especially for giving me the mental tools for dealing with the pain and discomfort.


My progress has been amazing and the difference in my overall demeanour and outlook on life is more positive. My night terrors have completely stopped. Many aspects of my life have improved, I am much calmer and positive in my internal mindset.


After many years of neck pain, migraines and menopause symptoms, I was advised to see Sara. She has been an absolute saviour. I now have more knowledge about my own physical and mental health. With Sara’s treatments, I no longer have the constant migraines and low energy levels that I used to have. Sara’s knowledge, empathy and humour are a breath of fresh air. She has helped my friends and family with anxiety and complex ailments. Sara is determined, calm and forward thinking, her ideas are wonderful, as is her beautiful clinic.

NST Health

Sara Jones has been involved in natural medicine since 2000, and her clinical practice has certainly evolved into something she's incredibly proud of. Her clinic has been a place of safety and growth for many who have found relief from physical and emotional pain. NST has been a remarkable constant throughout her 23 years of practice. She has come to deeply understand the intricacies of the facial layers not just through physical injury but also the impact stress and emotions have on this complex connective tissue. NST can soften and balance the whole form and has a unique way of allowing the mind to drop its guard, so when combined with modalities such as Trauma Tapping, the healing can be truly remarkable. Sara Jones' path was defined by her unwavering dedication to her practice, an insatiable curiosity about the interplay between the body and mind, and an unrelenting commitment to guiding others through transformative healing journeys with the help of NST.


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